See a friend? Be sure to let them know you’ll be there!
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Sponsoring Attendees
A big THANK YOU to all the Sponsoring Attendees. Take a moment to check out Sponsoring Attendees’ websites, follow them on Twitter, and send them a “thank you” tweet.
Sponsoring Attendees make a small donation on top of their ticket price. This donation goes toward WordCamp KC operations expenses. You too, can become a Sponsoring Attendee
- Benjamin
- Brian
- Dennis
- Gary
- Lisa
- Logan
- Suzie Israel
- Travis
- Aaron Graham@coderaaron
- Adhithi Ravichandran
- Alberto Rivera
- Amanda Lee
- Amaya Williams@Aromaoffelicity
- Amber Petersen
- Amy Wood@AmArtifactCo
- Andrea Kirsch@MakeDigitalKC
- Andrea Zoellner@andreazoellner
- Andrew Angell@angelleye
- Andrew Lightfoot@matchstickweb
- Andrew Miller@84emllc
- Andrew Taylor@ataylorme
- Aneta Baranek
- ANGELA BRILL@instructntech
- Angie Pedersen@kcgeeks
- Ashleigh Ragan@tabytharourke
- Ashley Holbrook@ultralovets
- Avindra Fernando
- Beth McKeon@beth_mckeon
- Breht Burri
- Brenna Benzakein@elibenzak
- Brian Hilliard
- Brianna Privett@techno_siren
- Brielle Buntin
- Brigid Greene@BrigidGreene
- Bryan Cisler@bryancisler
- Cara Combs
- Carmen Liimatta
- Carolyn Erickson@carolynerickson
- Carrie Wilson@Wilson_CarrieL
- Cheryl Aufdemberge@cheryl528
- Chris Boyle
- Chris Brown
- Christina McConnell@1creatifchic
- Chuck Robinson@givechuckajob
- Cindy Newland@intentionallyeat
- Curt Kelly
- D Downer
- Dave Navarro
- Deborah Nicholson
- Derek Olsen@derekcolsen
- Diana Robertson
- Dina Butcher
- Dustin Schwartz
- Eileen O'Hara
- Eli Benzakein
- Elizabeth Dunn-Hall@nrgdesign
- Erin Thompson
- Ethan Clevenger@ethanclevenger
- Ethan Fry
- Fatima Essaidi
- Frankie Jarrett@fjarrett
- Gib England
- Grace Guinn
- Gracie Jarrett@graciejarrett
- Greg Apel
- Heather Birdwell@kcbusymom
- Howell Johnson
- Jack Pearce
- James Mayfield Smith
- James Meredith
- Jamie Smith@JamiesNotebook
- Janice Colt
- Jarrett Homann
- Jason Terry
- Jason Yingling@jason_yingling
- Jay Chuck Mailen@chuckmailen
- Jeana Walz
- Jeff DeBoer@mighty_jeff
- Jen Taylor@swappingcompany
- Jennifer Boyle
- Jennifer Finley
- Jeremy Green@greenhornet79
- Jessica Goodman
- Jim Grant@jim_grant
- Joe Gauer@indiejoeg
- Joe Roberts
- Joel Schlotterer
- John Meirowsky
- Josepha Haden@josephahaden
- Karissa Skirmont@MeetKarissa
- Kate Nielsen@katenielsenkate
- kathleen stafford@mildredsmenus
- Kerry Fremerman
- Kevin Killingsworth@coderkevin
- Kiernan Markey
- Krissie VandeNoord@krissierae
- Kristen Abell@Kristen_Abell
- Kristin Falkner@KristinCodesWP
- Kyle Rourke
- Laura McClain
- Lauren Caldwell@missuglyshoes
- Lisa Holiman@freshflair
- Lisa Nelson
- Lisa Woodruff@lisa_m_woodruff
- Logan Kipp@LoganKipp
- Louie Obando@luemob
- Lyndsie Coon
- March Benzakein@MarcBenzak
- Marianne Worthington@work_warrior
- Marjie Hensz
- Mary White@mw4designs
- Matt Quinn@jmq0004
- Matt Thomas
- Matthew Gratton
- Melissa Schnieders@meloict
- Meredith Lowry@meredithlowry
- Mia Lee
- Michael Black@SEOMike
- Michele Butcher@michele_butcher
- Mike Shields@ShieldsKC2016
- Nancy McDonald
- Nicholas Liddeke@UMKConline
- Nicholas Liddeke
- Nicholas Segur@nicholassegura
- Nile Flores@blondishnet
- Pam Smith
- Patrick Noennig
- Paul Barham
- Peter Inzerillo@inzerillo87
- Peter Wryostek@EnCircleTech
- Polly Jones@alwaysme3
- Randall Hall@TekMavenRandy
- Randy Dustin@rldustin
- Rebecca Haden@RebeccaHaden
- Richard Wilson@kcplumbingpro
- Rob Walch@podcast411
- Robin Riat@RobinRKC
- Rutilio Martinez@ionadsolutions
- Ryan Harmon@heyharmon
- Sarah Humphrey
- Scott Schaper
- Scott Shorter
- Scott Stockwell@scott_stockwell
- Shala London
- Sharlyn DeWeese@SharlynDeW
- Sheryl Mullins
- Steve Struemph@stevestruemph
- Sue Allen
- Suzanne Schaper
- Tabytha Rourke
- Tammy Finch@webservicesinc
- tamy bond
- Tavis Blaylock
- Taylor Ford@taylor_m_ford
- Teresa Glidewell
- Toby Grotz
- Tom Hefley@tom_hefley
- Tony Harrison
- Topher Baumann
- Traven Crouse
- valerie lynch
- Virginia Phillips
- Vivian Foster
- Wendy Pearson@WendyLuPearson
- Wynn Shepard
- Zack Pike
Get Your Avatar Image
Some of you may be wondering, “How did some people get their image up there? And why do I have the Mystery Man?” The answer is Gravatars! If you would like to have your image appear on the attendees page as well, go to the Gravatars website and register an account (it’s totally free). Then add the email you used to buy your WordCamp ticket to your Gravatar account and associate an image/icon with that email. Once that is done, this site will automatically pull that image up on the Attendees Page. This will also work for any other site makes use of Gravatars, like other WordCamp sites, blog comments, etc.
Want to spread the Word?
Text to use on Social Media:
I’m attending WordCamp in Kansas City June 10-12 and you should too! Register at #wpkc
Don’t forget to register! Browse sessions and buy your ticket now at #WCKC June 10-12
Have you bought your tickets yet? #WCKC
Option #1 = 226 characters
June 10-12: WordCamp KC at Kauffman Foundation. WordCamps are locally-organized, public education conferences on WordPress, a free public-access software powering 75 million web sites. For more info visit
Option #2 = 412 characters
June 10-12: WordPress WordCamp @ 11:00am-4:00pm Fri, 8:00am-4:00pm Sat. Kauffman Foundation, 4801 Rockhill Rd, Kansas City, MO 64110. WordCamps are locally-organized, public education conferences on WordPress, a free public-access software powering 75 million web sites. These low-key local gatherings allow people from all walks of life to attend, meet, share and learn. For more info visit