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Sponsoring Attendees
A big THANK YOU to all the Sponsoring Attendees. Take a moment to check out Sponsoring Attendees’ websites, follow them on Twitter, and send them a “thank you” tweet.
Sponsoring Attendees make a small donation on top of their ticket price. This donation goes toward WordCamp KC operations expenses. You too, can become a Sponsoring Attendee
- Abby
- Benjamin
- Delia Downer
- Frankie Jarrett@fjarrett
- Kate
- Mark
- Ronald Huereca@ronalfy
- Travis
- Alec Sartain
- Alex Johannes@alxndrajhnnes
- Alex Salazar@baseball_shaman
- Alexander O'Neill@_a_0
- Alisha McFarland@alishawordpress
- allen shernaman
- Amanda Day
- Amanda Lee@AmandaLee_OM
- Amber Hanke@amberhanke
- Amber Stenger@astenger
- Andrea Garcia@AKGarcia331
- Andrea Zoellner@andreazoellner
- Andrew Lightfoot@matchstickweb
- Angela Pritchett@a_pritchett
- Ann Gaffigan@anngaff
- Ann O'Meara
- Anna Ronquillo
- April Bowman@AAprilBowman
- Ashley Harms
- Ashley Harms
- Ashley Holbrook@ultralovets
- Austen Witte
- Ben Niehues IV@bennieiv
- Bill Swearingen@hevnsnt
- Brian Heaton@bdhvb
- Brianna Privett@techno_siren
- Brielle Buntin
- Brittany VanMaele@brittvanmaele
- Bruce Chamoff@brucechamoff
- Bryan Cisler@bryancisler
- Caleb Rogers@MentalSensei
- Cameron Duneman
- Camilo Snapp
- Candy Worner@Xxxxxx
- Cara Combs
- Catherine Kolkoski@CatherineLuvsKC
- Catina Taylor@DREAMS4KC
- Cheryl Edenfield@chereden
- Cheryl Hanback
- Chris Boyle@ckboyle
- Chris Brown@CSBCounsel
- Chris Jarratt
- Chris Klosowski@cklosowski
- Chris Logan@chriswlogan
- Chris Miles@chrisdavidmiles
- Cody Duvall
- Consuelo Davis
- Corinna West
- Danny Holloran@dholloran
- Danny Santoro@Danny_Santoro
- Dave Navarro@dnavarrojr
- Dennis Mullins@DennisMulins26
- Devin Sears
- Dion Walton
- Dixie Robinson
- Donna Zimmerman
- Doug Higson
- Dr. Ralph Harold@RalphHaroldMD
- Drew Clausen@dmclausen
- Eileen O'Hara
- Elle Starcev
- Eric Eaglstun@eaglstun
- Eva Ladhani@evaladhani
- Fatima Essaidi@lover_stem
- Gabby Wallace@gabbyawallace
- Gail Spangler@gailspangler
- Galen Gidman@galengidman
- Gib England
- Hayley Rees@hayleywalkerrees
- Hillary Bartlett
- Howell Johnson@HowellJohnson
- Irv Cohen
- Iwona Nowak
- Jack Pearce
- Jakob Miller
- jamie schmid@jamieschmid
- Jason Behm
- Jason Keeler@jkeys1313
- Jason Smith
- Jay Couch@jaycouch80
- Jay Wilner@Oobdigital
- Jeana Walz
- Jeff DeBoer@mighty_jeff
- Jenn Strathman@JennStrathman
- Jennifer Finley
- Jennifer Rosenblatt@jennrosenblatt
- Jeremiah Tolbert@cpunkstudios
- Jeremy Fuksa@jeremyfuksa
- Jill Ducey@jillducey
- Jim Fisher@jgunnfisher
- Jim Grant@jim_grant
- Jo Shernaman
- John Briones
- Josepha Haden
- Josh Broton@joshbroton
- Joy Owen
- Julianne Dresser@cyphenator
- Julie Horbelt@bucketlistguide
- Julie McConnell
- Karen Schotanus@karenschotanus
- Karissa Skirmont@MeetKarissa
- kate french
- Kathe Rusnak
- Kayla Kelly
- Keanan Koppenhaver@kkoppenhaver
- Kellyn Wilson
- Kelsey Jones@wonderwall7
- Kerry Mooneyham@KerryMooneyham
- Kevin Bowman
- Konstantin Obenland@obenland
- Kristin Falkner@KristinCodesWP
- Kristy Murray
- Kyle Meek
- Lacey Rodriguez Dibbles
- Lauren Caldwell@missuglyshoes
- Leslie Swank@lswankhart
- Lindsey Lasswell@Lindsey_hogan
- Lisa Nelson
- Madelyn Gengelbach@mgengelbach
- Marc Vasquez@vasquez007
- Marcia Francis@the_marcian
- Marcus Flores
- Marianne Worthington@work_warrior
- Mark Giersch
- Mark Kelly@mgkelly
- Mark Macres
- mary white@mw4designs
- Matt Elpern@megrafix
- Megan Buchbinder
- Megan Zander@martechblogger
- Melissa McCoy@semmccoy
- Melissa Roberts
- Mia Porterfield
- Michael Black@SEOMike
- Michael Kravets@tekgarage
- Michael Rattenne@Revmikegen4
- Michella Wempen@michellawempen
- Mick Thompson@kcmowebguy
- Mike Demo@mpmike
- Monte Beery
- Nathan Rippke@rippkedesign
- Nicholas Segura@nicholassegura
- Nick McGrath
- Nicki Duhn
- Nicole Jarratt
- Patricia Engstrand
- Patrick Kehn
- Paul Gilzow@gilzow
- Pippin Williamson@pippinsplugins
- Poetry for Personal Power@PeerWordworks
- Raj Mitra
- Randy Robbins@freeintrovert
- Raymond Johnson@rayj3333
- Rebeca Swank
- Rebecca Booth@relevantexpressions
- Rebecca Haden@RebeccaHaden
- Rebecca Music@PlumberBob
- Rebekah Senger
- Reed Garrett@readonreed
- Rich Bennett
- Richard Gehrs@GehrsRichard
- Richard Horbelt
- Rob Ruiz@bizzledesigns
- Rob Walch@podcast411
- Robin Riat
- Rod Perlmutter@WordChucker
- Roger Reed@StandardShtMtl
- Roger Reed@StandardShtMtl
- Rosamond Haden@rosamondhaden
- Ryan Rhoten@RyanRhoten
- Sam Werner
- Samantha McCall@mariposachaser
- Sara Flaherty-Lee@saraflahertylee
- Sara Glass@MisssConception
- Sarah Mote@kcsourcelink
- Sarah Schumacher@cyclonepress
- Scott Easterday
- Sean Blake
- Sean Kosednar@SeanKosednar
- Sean Nicholson@socmedsean
- Shala London
- Sharlyn DeWeese
- Sheryl Mullins
- Stacy Carlson@stacy_carlson
- Steve Kohlmeyer@Fastmoverr
- Steve Struemph@stevestruemph
- Tabitha Dutton@SquadBuilders
- Tanner Burton
- Teala Smith@tealadan
- Ted Davis@TedDavis1620
- Tim Gossett@aboundant
- Tim Sisson@BoldGrid_TimS
- Tobe Reed
- Tom Eagle@ESEstudios
- Tom Hefley@tom_hefley
- Tom Streelman
- Tomas Mulder@tcmulder
- Tori Rau
- Tracie Oliver@techoli_76
- Trampas Whiteman@Dragonhelm
- Tressa Buchanan
- Tricia Byrnes
- Will Hanke@redcanoemedia
- Will Moulthrop@wcm026
- William Ranney@wilranney
Get Your Avatar Image
Some of you may be wondering, “How did some people get their image up there? And why do I have the Mystery Man?” The answer is Gravatars! If you would like to have your image appear on the attendees page as well, go to the Gravatars website and register an account (it’s totally free). Then add the email you used to buy your WordCamp ticket to your Gravatar account and associate an image/icon with that email. Once that is done, this site will automatically pull that image up on the Attendees Page. This will also work for any other site makes use of Gravatars, like other WordCamp sites, blog comments, etc.
Want to spread the Word?
Text to use on Social Media:
I’m attending WordCamp in Kansas City April 28-29 and you should too! Register at #wpkc
Don’t forget to register! Browse sessions and buy your ticket now at #WCKC April 28-29
Have you bought your tickets yet? #WCKC
Option #1 = 226 characters
April 28-29: WordCamp KC at Kauffman Foundation. WordCamps are locally-organized, public education conferences on WordPress, a free public-access software powering 75 million web sites. For more info visit
Option #2 = 412 characters
April 28-29: WordPress WordCamp @ 11:00am-4:00pm Fri, 8:00am-4:00pm Sat. Kauffman Foundation, 4801 Rockhill Rd, Kansas City, MO 64110. WordCamps are locally-organized, public education conferences on WordPress, a free public-access software powering 75 million web sites. These low-key local gatherings allow people from all walks of life to attend, meet, share and learn. For more info visit