Here’s a list of the people who will be attending with you!
See a friend? Be sure to let them know you’ll be there!
Sponsoring Attendees
A big THANK YOU to all the Sponsoring Attendees Here. Take a moment to check out Sponsoring Attendees’ websites, follow them on Twitter, and send them a “thank you” tweet.
Sponsoring Attendees make a small donation on top of their ticket price. This donation goes toward WordCamp KC operations expenses. You too, can become a Sponsoring Attendee.
- Aaron Troglia
- Adora Yang@adorayang
- Alex Salazar
- Allie Eads
- Allison Stein@allisonstein
- Alyssa Murfey@alysmurfey
- Amanda Davis@Amanda66044
- Amber Stenger
- Andrea Garcia@AKGarcia331
- Andrea Palmer
- Andrew
- Andrew Gantt@ganttgroupltd
- Andrew Lietzow@Andrew_Lietzow
- Andy O'Neil
- Angela Pugh
- Angie Pedersen@kcgeeks
- Anita Widaman
- Anna Buser
- Anna Edwards@connectingkc
- April Friedl@AprilFriedl
- April Lewis
- Austin Oehrke@ontargettweets
- Benjamin
- Betsy Kelly
- Breht Burri
- Brenda Smyth
- Brent Leavitt
- Brent Schultz@brentrschultz
- Brian Chadwick-Robinson
- Brian Juhl
- Brianna Privett@Briannaorg
- Brielle Buntin
- Bryan Fisher@bk3k
- Bryan North
- Caleb Zahnd@calebzahnd
- Callen Fairchild Zind@czind
- Cara Combs
- Caroline Braley@Goofy_Girl
- Carrie Wilson
- Catherine Kolkoski@CatherineLuvsKC
- Cathy Doud
- Chad Pio@SkillPath
- Cheryl Aufdemberge@Cheryl528
- Cheryl Coon@Cheryl_JCCC
- Chris Brown@CSBCounsel
- Christian Wade@Hypatia1973
- christina craver@ccraver
- Christina Hoffman
- Christine Johnson
- Christopher Haake@webforcekc
- Chuck Johnson@itprocmjgmail
- Chuck Robinson
- Cindy Newland@eatintentional
- Cody Harrison
- Corey Morris@coreydmorris
- Corinna West@CorinnaWest
- D Downer
- Dade Ronan@DadeRonan
- Daniel Davis
- Daniel Rose
- Dave Navarro@dnavarrojr
- David Cook@davidliamcook
- David Eldridge@uxdwe
- David Isbell
- David Upsdell
- Deborah Muessig
- Delia Downer@none
- Derek Potts
- Donna Yadrich
- Donna Zimmerman
- Drew Clausen@dmclausen
- Dwight Widaman
- Dylan Flanery@ontargettweets
- Eileen O'Hara
- Elisa Del Vecchio
- eric anderson
- Erika Noguera@folkalliance
- Erin Albright@erinalbright
- Erin Thompson
- Frankie Jarrett@fjarrett
- Gabby Brotherton@ontargettweets
- Gail Spangler@gailspangler
- George Kopp@georgekopp
- George White
- Gib England
- Glenda Barnhart
- Greg Elliott
- Greta Perel@GretaPerel_PhD
- Guest of
- Guest of
- Hannah Doss
- Heather New
- Howell Johnson@howelljohnson
- Jack Kammert
- Jack Pearce
- Jacob Eads@designbyeads
- Jake Akehurst@JakefromJCCC
- James Blanch@Jamescblanch
- Jamie Thompson@jamier_thompson
- Janet Clason
- Jaymi Victor@jaymivictor
- Jeana Van Sickle
- Jeana Walz
- Jeff DeBoer@mighty_jeff
- Jeff Potts@jeffpotts
- Jenn Strathman@JennStrathman
- Jennifer Finley
- Jennifer Rosenblatt@jennrosenblatt
- Jennifer Shreckengost@jshreckcoaching
- Jennifer VanLeeuwen
- Jeremy Dennis@fullwindsorco
- Jeremy Poling@coachpoling
- Jeri Persley
- Jerry Jones@juryjowns
- Jessica Cox@jrc1251
- Jessica Hagerty
- Jill Ducey
- Jim Grant@jim_grant
- Joanna Shindler
- John Clason
- John Nab@johncnab
- Jollene Garvey
- Jordan Haldane@pxl2pxl
- Jordan Warren
- Joseph Cook
- Josiah Altschuler
- Julie Brunner@freedreamer
- Julie Horbelt@bucketlistguide
- Julie McConnell
- Julie Meloan
- Justin Welch@justinwelch
- Karen Kelley
- Kari Harper@SureFireBS
- Karina Winkelman
- Karissa Skirmont@MeetKarissa
- Kate Nielsen@katenielsenkate
- Kathe Rusnak
- Kathleen Dake@KopeseticKat
- Kathy Dusenbery
- Kelly Arias
- Kelly Porter@blue_beetlepest
- Kevin Gerken@kevingerken
- Kevin Killingsworth@coderkevin
- Kim Beasley@kimbeasley
- Kim Westfall
- Kimberly Ross
- Kirby Virden
- Kristin Falkner@KristinCodesWP
- Kyle Johnson
- Kyle Meek
- Kyle Rourke
- LA Fraley
- Laura Johnson@artsyKC24
- Lee Fent
- Leslie Scott@lscott1967
- Linda Misiura
- Lindsey Hogan Lasswell@lindsey_hogan
- Lisa Nelson
- Lisa Woodruff@lisa_m_woodruff
- Lora Williams@medievalmelody
- Macy Layne
- Madelynne Jones@novellabrandhouse
- Marcia Dvorak@MarciaDvorak
- Marcus Flores
- Margie Sheppard
- Maria Hadar
- Marie Hadar@mmonserrat11
- Marisa Kolka
- Mark Kelly@mgkelly
- Mark Shipley
- Mark Short@mrkshrt
- Marnie Slater
- Mary White@mw4designs
- Mat Casner@matcasner
- Matt Elpern@megrafix
- Matt Scott@ontargettweets
- Matthew Davis@thriftysquad
- Max Hammock
- Mei Upsdell
- Melinda Bartling
- Melissa McCoy@SEMMcCoy
- Meredith Derks
- Michael Black@SEOMike
- Michael Godsy@Thornhothleather
- Mick Thompson@kcmowebguy
- Mohamad Ainieh
- monica jessick@launchdynamics
- Nancy McDonald
- Nancy Richard
- Nathalie Martinez-Vowels
- Nicholas Segura@nicholassegura
- Nick Urban
- Nile Flores@blondishnet
- P3 TBA Agency Stand-In, We'll find someone
- Pam Billups
- Pam Knutson
- Pamela Hernandez@ThriveFit
- Patrick Kehn
- Patrick Noennig
- Patrick Schaub
- Paula Elias@paulaelias
- Peyton Funk
- Phillip Martin
- Pippin Williamson@pippinsplugins
- Precious Felton
- Prince Ogunmeno@kck_attorney
- Quilaztli Pastorelli
- Rachel Eads
- Rachel Hiles@nthdegreemd
- Raj Mitra
- Raymond Johnson@rayj33
- Rebecca Music@mamakeepon
- Richard Bennett
- Richard Horbelt
- Richard Wilson
- Rick Truman
- Rob Walch@podcast411
- Robbin Watson
- Robin Riat@RobinRKC
- Ron Michka@RonMichka
- Ryan O'Neal@anchorpilot1
- Ryan Wells
- Sam Plummer
- Sara Flaherty-Lee@saraflahertylee
- Sarah Beier
- Sarah Humphrey
- Sarah Kay
- Sarah Reyes
- Sarah Schumacher@cyclonepress
- Scarlett Isbell@scarlettspaige
- Scott Schaper
- Sean Blake@sblake1701
- Sean Dennis@fullwindsorco
- Sean Kosednar@seankosednar
- Sean Nicholson@socmedsean
- Shala London
- Shane Purnell@HeyShanePurnell
- Shannon J Quick
- Sharlyn DeWeese
- Sheri Hall@PurposeSpoken
- Sheri Resa@sheriresa
- Stacey Higdon@stacey_higdon
- Stacy Carlson@stacy_carlson
- Stevie
- Sue Allen
- Susan Carrico
- Suzanne Schaper
- Suzie Eads
- T-Rave .@t_rave
- Tabatha Kirke@tkirke
- Tabytha Rourke@tabytharourke
- Tammy Swartz
- Tara Glanton
- Tavis Blaylock
- Tiffany Hiebert@tiffanyjdesign
- Tim Noland
- Tina Joy Cochran
- Tina Rockey@tinarockey
- Tom Eagle@ESEstudios
- Tom Hefley@Tom_Hefley
- Trampas Whiteman
- Travis Pflanz@travispflanz
- Tyler Allen
- Tyler Lau
- Tylor Hermanson@MyNameIsTylor
- Vanessa Hyde
- Vicki S. Cannon@vickiscannon
- Whitney Yadrich@whitneyyadrich
- Xiaowen Ao
- yieng-kong ly
- Zachary Gillam
- Zack Mason@ZackRMason
Get Your Avatar Image
Some of you may be wondering, “How did some people get their image up there? And why do I have the Mystery Man?” The answer is Gravatars! If you would like to have your image appear on the attendees page as well, go to the Gravatars website and register an account (it’s totally free). Then add the email you used to buy your WordCamp ticket to your Gravatar account and associate an image/icon with that email. Once that is done, this site will automatically pull that image up on the Attendees Page. This will also work for any other site makes use of Gravatars, like other WordCamp sites, blog comments, etc.
Add your Twitter Handle & Website
We recently added the Twitter handle and website option so if you want yours to show, use the edit link that you received after registering to add it.
Want to spread the Word?
Text to use on Social Media:
I’m attending WordCamp in Kansas City April 13-14 and you should too! Register at #wckc
Don’t forget to register! Browse sessions and buy your ticket now at #WCKC April 13-14
Have you bought your tickets yet? #WCKC
Option #1 = 236 characters
April 13-14: WordCamp KC at Kauffman Foundation. WordCamps are locally-organized, public education conferences on WordPress, a free public-access software powering 75 million web sites. For more info visit
Option #2 = 415 characters
April 13-14: WordCamp Kansas City – 9am-5pm Fri, 9am-4pm Sat at Kauffman Foundation, 4801 Rockhill Rd, Kansas City, MO 64110. WordCamps are locally-organized, public education conferences on WordPress, a free public-access software powering 75 million web sites. These low-key local gatherings allow people from all walks of life to attend, meet, share and learn. For more info visit