ADA Accessibility: A Necessary Part of Your WordPress Site with Lora Williams

Lora Williams, WordCamp KC 2019

Friday, June 28th, 3pm – Capitol Federal Conference Center (RC 101)

ICYMI: companies across the world are being sued for lack of accessibility on their websites and it is starting to get serious (they even went after Beyonce!). In this session, I will walk through why your site, big or small, should be ADA accessible and who it helps. Then, I will give 3 to 5 EASY steps of how to make your images, menus, and entire site more accessible using tools and plugins available on WordPress. At the end, I will provide resources to help you audit your site, find information on the regulations (hint: they aren’t extremely firm), and additional information and ideas. This session is focused on the easiest things you can do to make your site accessible and requires little coding knowledge! It could be great information for beginners or even more advanced WP users.

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Lora Williams

Web Manager by day… Nerd by night (but also by day). I am a Web Content Manager for A2 Advertising, a local full-service agency that specializes in marketing for grocery stores. Between 5 years and radio and 2 years with the agency, I have experience in coordinating promotions for brands, content management in WordPress and WordPress for Broadcasters, and creating email campaigns in WP and Mailchimp. On the weekends, you can find me at renaissance festivals performing music or raising money for kids in KC by playing games with Extra Life!

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