Useful Tools that Help you Manage your WordPress Website with Kim Beasley

Kim Beasley, WordCamp KC 2019

Saturday, June 29th, 9am – Capitol Federal Conference Center (RC 101)

Do you feel overwhelmed as you manage your WordPress website? Maybe you are managing multiple sites, and you need an easy solution to get it all done. Then you don’t want to miss this session. During this session, you will learn about the powerful tools I use to stay on top of managing multiple websites. You will learn about tools, plugins, and so much more.

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Kim Beasley

Kim Beasley is a FANatic about WordPress along with being the Founder of Agape3 Business Service (A3BS). The focus of A3BS is to develop WordPress websites and integrate social media into websites. Kim and her team specialize in developing engaging websites that help your business grow your visibility online. She has been developing and customizing WordPress business websites since 2004. With an MBA in eBusiness, Kim has created a company that assists corporations to build and customize their WordPress website with clients like Steelcase, RedHat, and many more. She and her team also administer WordPress support desk for corporations and entrepreneurs. New to A3BS is the launch of GrowVisibility which is an all-in-one social media management tool.

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