WordPress Multisite: A Practical Primer to Getting Started with Brent Leavitt

Brent Leavitt, WordCamp KC 2019

Saturday, June 29th, 1pm – The Cube (RC 270)

A technical workshop in the nuts and bolts of setting up a Multisite installation of WordPress. Multisite makes it possible to manage multiple and distinct websites from a single installation of WordPress. We’ll walk through the basic steps of getting started with a Multisite installation and discuss technical considerations when setting up a WordPress Multisite environment.

Brent Leavitt

In late 2011, Brent’s wife asked him to build her a website. Two hours later (thanks to WordPress), they launched the first iteration of TrainingDoulas.com. A short time later, Brent stopped freelancing and switched to a full-time business manager. An Arizona native, Brent spends most of his free time raising a large family, supporting a small church congregation, and running a business.

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