Tylor Hermanson

Tylor Hermanson

A Non-SEO’s Guide to the Power of Search Behavior

Saturday, April 14, 3pm – Kansas City

There’s what we tell the world, what we tell our friends and what we tell Google. But only one of these gets the truth. Our search behavior delivers an aggregated, anonymized and unadulterated view of what we really care about. For marketers who are clawing for reliable and insightful user insights, you can’t afford to overlook keyword research. So why do we use search behavior only to enhance our SEO and PPC? What if it could inform your email marketing, call centers, in-store displays, social media and every other touchpoint? It can and it should. In this talk, you’ll learn the following: -why reserving search data for SEM alone is a giant missed opportunity -how basic keyword research can be executed by any marketer -where search behavior should be leveraged to enhance other disciplines.

Get ready for this session with great content from Tylor

Tylor Hermanson

Tylor Hermanson | WordCamp KC 2018 SpeakerTylor is the Sr. Manager of Search Strategy at Intouch Solutions in Overland Park. He also runs Sandbox SEO, speaks at conferences and contributes to other industry publications. His life outside of digital marketing includes attending concerts, watching the Houston Rockets and avoiding Oxford commas within simple lists.


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