Getting Started with Podcasting on WordPress with Andrew Heim

Andrew Heim, WordCamp KC 2019

Saturday, June 29th, 11am – Hudson Auditorium (NMOCA 217)

With only around 700,000 active podcasts compared to over 500 million YouTube channels, podcasting is still in its beginning stages, which makes for great opportunities to utilize it for your business or hobby and share your knowledge and passions with the world. Even more exciting, over 70% of the US population is familiar with podcasts and 32% are active monthly listeners. Better yet, podcast episodes average between 80-90% listening rates! With podcasts being so easy to listen to while driving in the car, exercising, working or just about anytime and anywhere, you can see why it’s such a powerful platform to build and connect with an audience. During this session, I will break down my experience with starting my podcast and how I’ve integrated it with my WordPress website to attract new visitors and gain business. We’ll cover strategies for marketing your podcast on your WordPress website, plugins to use and the “must have checklist” to make your website and podcast work seamlessly together to attain your podcasting and growth goals. We’ll also have some time for Q&A where I’ll answer your questions about podcasting in general or any specifics relating to podcasting and WordPress.

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Andrew Heim

As a business advisor for small businesses, solo entrepreneurs and sales professionals, my sole mission is to help make business simpler, easier to mange and more profitable. Prior to business advising, I founded a successful IT consulting firm that was focused on managed IT services as well as WordPress web design. Starting out by knocking on businesses doors to offer help with their IT needs, I quickly grew to hundreds of customers. In early 2018, I launched “The Business Life” podcast where I explore the lifestyles, routines and strategies of successful business professionals. Podcasting has not only given me another outlet to share my passion for business, but has also allowed me to gain access into the lives of some of the best professionals across a wide variety of industries. You can find “The Business Life” podcast on all your devices, including Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher and Spotify. Outside of business, I like to be active; in other words, I have a hard time sitting still. I enjoy being outdoors, golfing, tennis, hunting, camping or just enjoying nature. I can easily get lost in yard work or tinkering with projects around the house as well. If I am stuck inside, I love to cook and watch sports, especially my alma mater, Kansas State. I’m also a member of the Overland Park South Rotary Club and a Paul Harris fellow award winner.

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