How To Get Massive Amounts of Traffic with Pinterest for Free with Katie Simecka

Katie Simecka, WordCamp KC 2019

Saturday, June 29th, 9am – Hudson Auditorium (NMOCA 217)

Learn how to get thousands of visitors a day to your WordPress website, using Pinterest. You don’t need a lot of followers to get traffic from Pinterest and the best part is, it’s free. Learn how to set up a Pinterest business account, how to create Pinterest content for your websites, and how treating Pinterest as a search engine can benefit your business.

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Katie Simecka

Katie graduated with a Bachelors of Science in Math and Secondary Education from Baker University. She followed that up with a Masters degree in Educational technology. After 7 years of teaching she left to stay at home with her daughter and began her journey as an entrepreneur. Katie taught herself how to design websites and earn money blogging. In addition to blogging Katie is the founder of Wonderland Launch where she helps others launch and grow their online business. When she is not working you can find Katie spending time with her family.

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